Comprehensive Guide to Customer Touchpoints: Identifying, Optimising, and Mapping the Journey

Every interaction a customer has with your brand matters.  These interactions, known as customer touchpoints, are crucial for shaping the customer experience and influencing purchasing decisions.  Whether it’s the initial discovery of your brand through an online search or the support received after a purchase, each touchpoint can significantly impact a customer’s perception of your brand, their satisfaction, and their loyalty.

To fully understand and optimise these interactions, it’s essential to map them across the customer journey, a strategic process that can help identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall experience. In this article, we’ll explore what customer touchpoints are, how to identify them, provide examples, and discuss how to create a customer journey map to ensure no touchpoint is missed.

What Are Customer Touchpoints?

Customer touchpoints are any instances where a customer comes into contact with your brand, whether directly or indirectly. These moments occur across various channels and can happen before, during, or after a purchase. Each touchpoint represents an opportunity to either build trust and loyalty or potentially create frustration and dissatisfaction.

Touchpoints can be direct, where the brand interacts with the customer, or indirect, where a third party influences the customer’s perception of the brand (e.g., through social media influencers or online reviews).

Touchpoints are generally grouped into three stages of the customer journey:

  1. Pre-Purchase Touchpoints – When the customer first discovers or researches your brand.
  2. Purchase Touchpoints – When the customer interacts with your brand while making a purchase.
  3. Post-Purchase Touchpoints – When the customer engages with your brand after the purchase is completed.

Why Are Touchpoints Important?

Each touchpoint plays a vital role in shaping the overall customer experience. By identifying and optimising these moments of interaction, you can improve customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and drive repeat business. This requires a deep understanding of the customer journey from awareness to advocacy, which is where customer journey mapping becomes invaluable.

Key Examples of Customer Touchpoints

Pre-Purchase Touchpoints

Pre-purchase touchpoints are the initial interactions that introduce potential customers to your brand and influence their consideration process. These touchpoints can be difficult to measure but are vital in creating brand awareness and interest.

  1. Organic Search:  Customers often encounter your brand through search engines like Google.  Appearing high in search results is critical for brand visibility.
  2. Online Advertising:  This includes digital ads on social media, search engines, and other platforms, such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and display ads.
  3. Social Media:  Your presence on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn serves as a key touchpoint for customers researching or engaging with your brand before making a decision.
  4. Influencer Marketing:  Recommendations from influencers or bloggers who discuss your product can serve as an indirect but impactful touchpoint.
  5. Third-Party Reviews and Comparison Sites:  Reviews on platforms like Yelp, Trustpilot, or comparison sites provide critical information to customers and influence their purchasing decisions.
  6. Company Website and Blog Posts:  A brand’s website is often a primary touchpoint where potential customers gather more information about products, pricing, and value propositions.
  7. Word-of-Mouth:  Personal recommendations or referrals from friends and family can be one of the most powerful pre-purchase touchpoints, even though it’s harder for brands to directly control.
  8. Online Communities and Forums:  Discussion boards like Reddit, Quora, or niche-specific forums are places where potential customers may seek advice or reviews from others.
  9. Events and Trade Shows:  In-person or virtual events, such as conferences or pop-up shops, provide a direct touchpoint where customers can engage with your brand firsthand.

Purchase Touchpoints

Purchase touchpoints are critical moments when a customer is actively interacting with your brand to make a transaction.  Optimising these touchpoints can mean the difference between a successful sale and a lost opportunity.

  1. E-commerce Website or App:  The customer’s experience with your online store, from browsing products to checking out, is a key purchase touchpoint.
  2. Physical Store Interactions:  For brick-and-mortar businesses, in-store experiences, such as customer service, store layout, and ambience, impact the purchasing decision.
  3. Sales Teams: Whether through in-person meetings, phone calls, or digital channels, interactions with sales representatives are critical purchase touchpoints.
  4. Live Chat and Chatbots:  Real-time customer support during the decision-making process can significantly influence a purchase.  Live chat and automated chatbots assist in answering questions or resolving issues quickly.
  5. Product Catalogues:  Digital or physical catalogues serve as touchpoints where customers can explore product offerings in detail.
  6. Pricing Pages and Promotions:  Whether on a website or in-store, clearly communicating pricing, discounts, and promotions is an essential touchpoint that directly affects purchasing behaviour.
  7. Point-of-Sale Systems:  In-store or digital payment systems should be seamless and efficient to ensure a positive purchase experience.
  8. Interactive Virtual or Augmented Reality (AR):  Technologies like AR enable customers to try on products (e.g., fashion) or visualise them in their homes (e.g., furniture), creating an engaging purchase touchpoint.

Post-Purchase Touchpoints

Post-purchase touchpoints are crucial for retaining customers, encouraging repeat business, and turning customers into brand advocates. These touchpoints focus on after-sales service, customer satisfaction, and long-term relationship-building.

  1. Thank-You Emails or Letters:  Expressing gratitude through personalised thank-you messages can leave a lasting positive impression.
  2. Customer Service and Support:  Whether through phone, email, social media, or chat, ongoing customer support is vital in ensuring customer satisfaction after the purchase.
  3. Product Onboarding and Tutorials:  Offering easy-to-follow guides, videos, or onboarding emails helps customers get the most out of their purchase, especially for complex products.
  4. Customer Satisfaction Surveys:  Asking for feedback via surveys helps gauge customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.
  5. Product Packaging:  High-quality or personalised packaging can enhance the unboxing experience and serve as a memorable touchpoint.
  6. Returns and Refunds:  A smooth and hassle-free return process can turn a negative experience into a positive one, ensuring customers return for future purchases.
  7. Loyalty Programmes:  Incentivising repeat business through loyalty programmes, discounts, or special offers helps keep customers engaged.
  8. Upselling and Cross-Selling Emails:  Offering complementary products or upgrades via email after the initial purchase encourages additional spending.
  9. Social Media Engagement:  Continuing to engage with customers via social media after a purchase helps foster community and keep the brand top of mind.
  10. Referral Programmes:  Encouraging customers to refer others by offering incentives (e.g., discounts) is a powerful post-purchase touchpoint that can bring in new business.
  11. Product Updates and Upgrades:  For SaaS or tech products, communicating updates or offering upgrade options keeps the customer engaged over time.

Mapping the Customer Journey

A comprehensive customer journey map helps businesses visualise every touchpoint a customer interacts with across different stages of their experience. By plotting these interactions, brands can identify gaps or opportunities to enhance the experience at each stage.

Steps to Create a Customer Journey Map:

  1. Identify Your Target Audience:  Understand who your customers are and what their needs are at each stage of the journey.
  2. List All Touchpoints:  Map out every touchpoint a customer may encounter, from the first awareness of your brand to post-purchase engagement.
  3. Categorise Touchpoints:  Organise the touchpoints into pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase categories to better understand how they fit within the overall journey.
  4. Gather Data:  Use tools such as surveys, customer feedback, and analytics to gather insights about customer interactions at each touchpoint.
  5. Optimise Touchpoints:  Identify areas where the customer experience can be improved. This might include streamlining the checkout process, providing more responsive customer support, or enhancing product packaging.
  6. Monitor and Update Regularly:  Customer behaviours and preferences change over time, so it’s essential to revisit your customer journey map periodically to ensure touchpoints remain relevant and effective.


Understanding and optimising customer touchpoints is crucial for creating a seamless and satisfying customer experience. By carefully mapping out the customer journey and ensuring no touchpoint is overlooked, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and drive long-term success. From the first moment of discovery to the final post-purchase interaction, each touchpoint presents an opportunity to strengthen your brand’s relationship with customers.

A well-executed customer journey map not only highlights every interaction but also guides your efforts to provide an exceptional customer experience at every stage of the journey.

Ready to optimise your customer touchpoints and elevate your brand’s customer experience?  At Shift Marketing Consulting, we are experts in customer journey mapping and can help you seamlessly integrate this into your go-to-market strategyContact us today to discover how we can enhance every stage of your customer journey and drive lasting results for your business!
